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Tuesday, June 18, 2019


¿Quieres saber si tu PC cumple con los requisitos necesarios para mover Run and Fire? A continuación, te mostramos cuáles son las especificaciones técnicas del sistema que necesitas para jugar Run and Fire en PC con el mejor rendimiento, gráficos y fps optimizados según el sistema operativo que uses, la tarjeta gráfica, microprocesador / cpu, ram y otras características. de su computadora.

Requerimientos mínimos

Sistema operativo: Windows XP, VISTA, Windows7, Windows8

Procesador: Dual Core o superior

Memoria: 1 GB de RAM

Tarjeta gráfica: Geforce7600, Radeon3850 o superior

 DirectX: versión 9.0

Disco duro: 5 GB de espacio disponible

 Tarjeta de sonido: a bordo

Requerimientos Recomendados

Operativo operativo: Windows7, Windows8, Windows10

Procesador: cuatro núcleos

Memoria: 4 GB de RAM

Tarjeta gráfica: NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450

DirectX: versión 9.0

Red: conexión a Internet de banda ancha

Disco duro: 10 GB de espacio disponible

Tarjeta de sonido: a bordo

Juegos de aventuras en vivo

El entrenador

The Trainer es el más simple de los juegos disponibles en el sitio. Es uno de los dos únicos juegos que han aparecido en el sitio desde su apertura.


Como dice la descripción oficial, "Esta miniaventura es una buena manera de divertirse mientras aprende los conceptos básicos. No lleva mucho tiempo, pero hace un buen trabajo al familiarizarlo con las características de este sitio y algunos de los tipos de acertijos que encontrarás en los juegos más importantes ".


El código fuente completo del juego ahora está disponible en RinkWorks en el tutorial sobre programación de Smash.


Forajidos de Sierra Nevada

Como dice la descripción oficial, "Es 1874 en Caballo Creek, California, donde un hombre puede trabajar y vivir en paz, al menos hasta hace poco. Bandas de bandidos han saqueado pueblos cercanos y le preocupa que Caballo Creek pueda estar siguiente. Viaja a través de un paisaje repleto de armas, humo y salones en esta histórica aventura de misterio ambientada en el Viejo Oeste ".


Escape de St. Mary's

Como dice la descripción oficial: "Estás atrapado en la clase de matemáticas y no puedes soportarlo más. Quieres dejar la escuela, pero poco sabes que tu simple misión te llevará a través de un conjunto de paralelismos hilarantemente escandaloso aventuras. ¡Solo tienes que salir de aquí! Este emocionante juego de aventuras presenta un mundo ricamente detallado, un intrincado sistema de conversación y un nuevo mecanismo útil para hacer uso de los elementos que adquieras en el camino. Encuentra el área secreta para un ¡final alternativo!"


Búsqueda de fantasía

Fantasy Quest es el más antiguo de los juegos disponibles, ya que no solo estaba presente desde la apertura de AGL, sino que en realidad fue escrito mucho antes en el otoño de 1991, como un juego de consola escrito en BASIC. [4]


Como dice la descripción oficial, "Un giro en la vieja trama de" rescatar a la princesa ", este juego te lleva a entrar en una misteriosa tierra de fantasía para salvar a tu amada del mal. Cuenta con más de 30 personajes interactivos y más de 140 ubicaciones".


El juego es mucho más simple que la mayoría de Adventure Games Live, y carece de una historia real u objetivos lógicos. Es solo un poco más avanzado que los juegos creados por el autor en la colección The Early Years, donde los objetivos de los jugadores rara vez son más complejos que moverse a través de obstáculos físicos, frecuentemente matando a cualquier criatura mítica que se cruce en su camino. Sin embargo, el juego es interesante por la medida en que juega con el absurdo, bordeando con frecuencia la autoparodia. [6]


El juego fue seguido por una secuela, que esta vez fue una parodia descarada, escrita únicamente para burlarse del original. El ridículo fue seguido por una parodia de noticias, Fantasy News Network, que se burla de ambos juegos. Fantasy Quest se ha convertido en una verdadera franquicia ahora, con RinkWorks incluso vendiendo camisetas decoradas con el mapa del juego original.

Misión de fantasía II

Este juego es la secuela de Fantasy Quest, el más antiguo de los juegos de aventuras del sitio.


Como dice la descripción oficial, "Regresa a la tierra mágica de la fantasía y sus pintorescos e inexplicables personajes para encontrarte con viejos amigos, saldar cuentas y salvar a docenas de princesas".


Los orígenes de este juego son muy inusuales. [7] La idea del juego surgió cuando una charla se refirió erróneamente a Enchanted Forest II (un juego existente) como Fantasy Quest II. En la forma surrealista de las conversaciones entre individuos creativos, los demás en la sala de chat respondieron como si el último juego existiera, e hicieron referencias a situaciones imaginarias que supuestamente existían en el juego, todas las cuales se burlaban del juego original. La conversación pronto avanzó, pero la idea de una secuela permaneció en la mente del autor.


Fiel a su misión, Fantasy Quest II pasa la mayor parte de su tiempo ridiculizando los muchos absurdos, inconsistencias y elementos molestos del juego original y, en menor medida, de todos los juegos de aventuras. Por ejemplo, los personajes del original que aparentemente no tenían ningún propósito regresan, lo que implica explicaciones muy elaboradas de para qué estaban allí. Las áreas del juego que antes eran inaccesibles se abren de manera espectacular e hilarante. Y ciertos elementos de los juegos de aventuras que parecen particularmente extraños (intercambiar elementos no relacionados, tener que probar una opción varias veces para obtener un resultado) se reproducen para obtener el máximo efecto cómico.


El juego de las edades

Como dice la descripción oficial, "Basado en la novela de parodia de fantasía de RinkWorks, El duelo de las edades, este juego te presenta como la única esperanza de tu aldea, que ha sido tomada por las Sombras. Para deshacerte de estas horribles criaturas, debe viajar a otros mundos y buscar la ayuda de los héroes legendarios Blood Drops y Darius Longshore. Este juego presenta un entorno ricamente representado e incluso un área secreta ".


La novela de parodia en cuestión es una colaboración entre Samuel Stoddard y David Parker, que presenta a los personajes de cada uno de sus universos de fantasía luchando a muerte entre ellos. Además del humor absurdo general, la novela también hace referencia a numerosas películas y otros elementos de la cultura popular, entre los que destaca La princesa prometida. [8] También trata temas más profundos de la literatura fantástica, incluidos los múltiples mundos y la naturaleza de la magia, y también profundiza en la metaficción.


The Game of the Ages incorpora los personajes y el escenario de The Duel of the Ages, pero cuenta con rompecabezas independientes y elementos de la trama. El juego tiene un valor de repetición particular, debido a su prosa bien escrita, y a un "área secreta" buscada por muchos jugadores. [9]


El misterio de Brackly Hall

Como dice la descripción oficial, "Lord Brackly está muerto, pero nadie puede encontrar su bóveda secreta, se rumorea que contiene la mayor parte de su rica finca. Su testamento lo deja todo en manos de quien pueda encontrarlo. ¿Puedes?"


El juego es mucho más simple que la mayoría del sitio, tanto en dificultad como en complejidad. Carece de una historia que no sea el vago objetivo de "encontrar la herencia", y los acertijos rara vez son más complicados que usar un elemento para obtener otro o evitar una ubicación. La ubicación más memorable del juego es probablemente un laberinto de jardín intencionalmente frustrante.


El primer juego escrito por un lector del sitio en lugar de por Stoddard, The Mystery of Brackly Hall influyó en muchos otros fanáticos del sitio para que comenzaran a trabajar en sus propios juegos de forma privada.

Los primeros años

Como dice la descripción oficial: "En los cinco años después de que escribí mi primer programa de computadora en 1985, llené docenas de disquetes con programa tras programa, principalmente juegos, y muchos de ellos juegos de aventuras. Estos esfuerzos culminaron en Fantasy Quest en 1991 , que desde entonces se ha adaptado a Adventure Games Live. Los juegos que escribí antes eran primitivos en comparación, a veces divertidos, terriblemente, pero están llenos de nostalgia y el encanto de la inocencia. The Early Years es una colección de 22 de estos mis primeros juegos, portados a Adventure Games Live con todos los errores ortográficos y la mayoría de los errores intactos ".


La calidad de los juegos en los primeros años varía mucho, desde lo literalmente infantil hasta lo bastante complejo. Al principio, solo hay dos juegos disponibles, pero el resto se desbloquea a medida que avanza en cada uno. Los comentarios autocríticos aparecen a lo largo de los juegos.


Para "ganar" The Early Years, solo se requieren 12 de los 22 juegos; los 10 restantes son opcionales. Los juegos son los siguientes:


Juegos requeridos

Aventura: busca un tesoro en una vieja mansión y evita a los malos en la misma cacería.

Fiebre del oro: encuentra el oro escondido en una casa enorme, antes de que se acabe el tiempo.

Atrapado en el castillo Bombardier: escapa de un castillo patrullado por leones y Medusa.

Space-Man: viaja a los nueve planetas del sistema solar, más el sol, y resuelve acertijos divertidísimos e ilógicos.

Ataque de araña: escapa de un bosque infestado de arañas, inspirado en Mirkwood en El Hobbit.

¡Salva a Crewshade! - Enfréntate al "creador del mal" y salva al mundo de la destrucción.

La maldición de Camelot: retrocede en el tiempo con Merlín y salva a Camelot del dominio de una hechicera malvada.

Trapped In Castle Bombardier 2: Escapa de los leones por segunda vez.

Máquina del tiempo: recupera tu máquina del tiempo y no te dejes pisotear por los dinosaurios.

Vampire Hall: encuentra tu camino hacia un castillo infestado de vampiros y derrótalos.

Viaje mágico: una aventura ligera en un mundo de fantasía.

The Quest of Kael: una aventura de fantasía épica; fácilmente el mejor juego de la colección.

Juegos opcionales

Tower of Terror: llega a la cima de una torre infestada de monstruos sin volverte loco.

Granny's Garden: encuentra a los niños desaparecidos. Paradójicamente, no hay abuela ni jardín.

Shibble: explora un bosque en busca de un artefacto mágico.

La piedra giratoria: explora una cueva en busca de un artefacto mágico.

Mini-Adventure: una aventura de fantasía muy corta.

¡Continuar! - Mata a un dragón en este juego rápido escrito por el hermano de Stoddard.

Jewel of Montol: explora un mundo de fantasía y encuentra una joya preciosa.

Compu-Maze: un laberinto de puertas en su mayoría unidireccionales.

Forest: un puerto AGL de Forest, un juego que Stoddard escribió en su Apple IIe, que más tarde se convirtió en la función Enchanted Forest de RinkWorks.

¡Asesinato! - Resuelve un misterio en este juego que recuerda a Clue.

The Early Years está escrito por Samuel Stoddard y se publicó por primera vez el 30 de enero de 2005. Tiene un nivel de dificultad de 3.


Los peligros de Akumos

Como dice la descripción oficial, "Esta aventura de ciencia ficción futurista es tortuosa e intrincada. Guía a Kenneth Connell en su nuevo trabajo a bordo de la estación espacial Corolis mientras descubre que no todo es como parece. ¡Algo siniestro está sucediendo!"


El juego es el más complejo de Adventure Games Live en la actualidad. Sus muchos lugares inusuales incluyen una estación espacial de intrincado diseño y una red 3D de cavernas. [10] Los acertijos varían desde los convencionales hasta los cronometrados, los acertijos matemáticos y los acertijos que involucran el razonamiento espacial. Los personajes del juego son realistas y están bien descritos. Además, el juego cuenta con una historia realmente interesante.


El juego fue seguido por Trail of Anguish, y hay una tercera entrega planeada en la trilogía.


Sendero de angustia

Como dice la descripción oficial, "Esta emocionante precuela derivada de The Perils of Akumos narra la historia de Kendra Connell en la universidad. ¿Puedes localizar a un loco místico, suelto en el campus? Las soluciones alternativas en este juego hacen que sea imposible de ver todo sin jugarlo al menos tres veces. Este juego se puede jugar antes o después de The Perils of Akumos, como quieras ".


Las soluciones alternativas mencionadas implican que el jugador elija diferentes clases para tomar y, como resultado, tenga que resolver diferentes acertijos, cada uno con un elemento separado como recompensa. Estos elementos se pueden usar junto con otros en una variedad de combinaciones diferentes en el segmento de finales.


El juego, junto con The Perils of Akumos y el aún inédito Starlight Sacrifice, formarán una trilogía.


Sacrificio de luz estelar

Starlight Sacrifice es un juego en progreso. Una vista previa está disponible como una demostración, a partir de abril de 2010. Escrito por Andrew Walters como la parte final de su trilogía (que incluye The Perils of Akumos y Trail of Anguish), Starlight Sacrifice lleva mucho tiempo en producción, originalmente para su lanzamiento en finales de 2001. [11]

Growth of IBM PC gaming

Among launch titles for the IBM Personal Computer (PC) in 1981 was Microsoft Adventure, which IBM described as bringing "players into a fantasy world of caves and treasures".[17] BYTE that year stated that the computer's speed and sophistication made it "an excellent gaming device", and IBM and others sold games like Microsoft Flight Simulator. The PC's CGA graphics and speaker sound were poor, however, and most customers bought the powerful but expensive computer for business.[18][19] One ComputerLand owner estimated in 1983 that a quarter of corporate executives with computers "have a game hidden somewhere in their drawers",[20] and InfoWorld in 1984 reported that "in offices all over America (more than anyone realizes) executives and managers are playing games on their computers",[21] but software companies found selling games for the PC difficult; an observer said that year that Flight Simulator had sold hundreds of thousands of copies because customers with corporate PCs could claim that it was a "simulation".[22]

From mid-1985, however, what Compute! described as a "wave" of inexpensive IBM PC clones from American and Asian companies, such as the Tandy 1000, caused prices to decline; by the end of 1986, the equivalent to a $1600 real IBM PC with 256K RAM and two disk drives cost as little as $600, lower than the price of the Apple IIc. Consumers began purchasing DOS computers for the home in large numbers. While often purchased to do work in evenings and weekends, clones' popularity caused consumer-software companies to increase the number of IBM-compatible products, including those developed specifically for the PC as opposed to porting from other computers. Bing Gordon of Electronic Arts reported that customers used computers for games more than one fifth of the time whether purchased for work or a hobby, with many who purchased computers for other reasons finding PC games "a pretty satisfying experience".[23]

By 1987, the PC market was growing so quickly that the formerly business-only computer had become the largest and fastest-growing, and most important platform for computer game companies. DOS computers dominated the home, supplanting Commodore and Apple. More than a third of games sold in North America were for the PC, twice as many as those for the Apple II and even outselling those for the Commodore 64.[24] With the EGA video card, an inexpensive clone had better graphics and more memory for games than the Commodore or Apple,[25][26] and the Tandy 1000's enhanced graphics, sound, and built-in joystick ports made it the best platform for IBM PC-compatible games before the VGA era.[19]

By 1988, the enormous popularity of the Nintendo Entertainment System had greatly affected the computer-game industry. A Koei executive claimed that "Nintendo's success has destroyed the [computer] software entertainment market". A Mindscape executive agreed, saying that "Unfortunately, its effect has been extremely negative. Without question, Nintendo's success has eroded software sales. There's been a much greater falling off of disk sales than anyone anticipated." A third attributed the end of growth in sales of the Commodore 64 to the console, and Trip Hawkins called Nintendo "the last hurrah of the 8-bit world". Experts were unsure whether it affected 16-bit computer games,[27] but Hawkins in 1990 nonetheless had to deny rumors that Electronic Arts would withdraw from computers and only produce console games.[28] By 1993 ASCII Entertainment reported at a Software Publishers Association conference that the market for console games ($5.9 billion in revenue) was 12 times that of the computer-game market ($430 million).[29]

Computer games, however, did not disappear. By 1989 Computer Gaming World reported that "the industry is moving toward heavy use of VGA graphics".[30] While some games were advertised with VGA support at the start of the year, they usually supported EGA graphics through VGA cards. By the end of 1989, however, most publishers moved to at supporting at least 320x200 MCGA, a subset of VGA.[31] VGA gave the PC graphics that outmatched the Amiga. Increasing adoption of the computer mouse, driven partially by the success of adventure games such as the highly successful King's Quest series, and high resolution bitmap displays allowed the industry to include increasingly high-quality graphical interfaces in new releases.

Further improvements to game artwork and audio were made possible with the introduction of FM synthesis sound. Yamaha began manufacturing FM synth boards for computers in the early-mid-1980s, and by 1985, the NEC and FM-7 computers had built-in FM sound.[16] The first PC sound cards, such as AdLib's Music Synthesizer Card, soon appeared in 1987. These cards allowed IBM PC compatible computers to produce complex sounds using FM synthesis, where they had previously been limited to simple tones and beeps. However, the rise of the Creative Labs Sound Blaster card, released in 1989, which featured much higher sound quality due to the inclusion of a PCM channel and digital signal processor, led AdLib to file for bankruptcy by 1992. Also in 1989, the FM Towns computer included built-in PCM sound, in addition to a CD-ROM drive and 24-bit color graphics.[16]

By 1990, DOS was 65% of the computer-game market, with the Amiga at 10%; all other computers, including the Apple Macintosh, were below 10% and declining. Although both Apple and IBM tried to avoid customers associating their products with "game machines", the latter acknowledged that VGA, audio, and joystick options for its PS/1 computer were popular.[32] In 1991, id Software produced an early first-person shooter, Hovertank 3D, which was the company's first in their line of highly influential games in the genre. There were also several other companies that produced early first-person shooters, such as Arsys Software's Star Cruiser,[33] which featured fully 3D polygonal graphics in 1988,[34] and Accolade's Day of the Viper in 1989. Id Software went on to develop Wolfenstein 3D in 1992, which helped to popularize the genre, kick-starting a genre that would become one of the highest-selling in modern times.[35] The game was originally distributed through the shareware distribution model, allowing players to try a limited part of the game for free but requiring payment to play the rest, and represented one of the first uses of texture mapping graphics in a popular game, along with Ultima Underworld.[36]

In December 1992, Computer Gaming World reported that DOS accounted for 82% of computer-game sales in 1991, compared to Macintosh's 8% and Amiga's 5%. In response to a reader's challenge to find a DOS game that played better than the Amiga version the magazine cited Wing Commander and Civilization, and added that "The heavy MS-DOS emphasis in CGW merely reflects the realities of the market".[37] A self-reported Computer Gaming World survey in April 1993 similarly found that 91% of readers primarily used IBM PCs and compatibles for gaming, compared to 6% for Amiga, 3% for Macintosh, and 1% for Atari ST,[38] while a Software Publishers Association study found that 74% of personal computers were IBMs or compatible, 10% Macintosh, 7% Apple II, and 8% other. 51% of IBM or compatible had 386 or faster CPUs.[29] By 1992 DOS games such as Links 386 Pro supported Super VGA graphics.[39] While leading Sega and Nintendo console systems kept their CPU speed at 3–7 MHz, the 486 PC processor ran much faster, allowing it to perform many more calculations per second. The 1993 release of Doom on the PC was a breakthrough in 3D graphics, and was soon ported to various game consoles in a general shift toward greater realism.[40] Computer Gaming World reiterated in 1994, "we have to advise readers who want a machine that will play most of the games to purchase high-end MS-DOS machines".[41]

By spring 1994 an estimated 24 million US homes (27% of households) had a personal computer. 48% played games on their computer; 40% had the 486 CPU or higher; 35% had CD-ROM drives; and 20% had a sound card.[42] Another survey found that an estimated 2.46 million multimedia computers had internal CD-ROM drives by the end of 1993, an increase of almost 2,000%. Computer Gaming World reported in April 1994 that some software publishers planned to only distribute on CD as of 1995.[43] CD-ROM had much larger storage capacity than floppies, helped reduce software piracy, and was less expensive to produce. Chris Crawford warned that it was "a data-intensive technology, not a process-intensive one", tempting developers to emphasize the quantity of digital assets like art and music over the quality of gameplay; Computer Gaming World wrote in 1993 that "publishers may be losing their focus". While many companies used the additional storage to release poor-quality shovelware collections of older software, or "enhanced" versions of existing ones[44]—often with what the magazine mocked as "amateur acting" in the added audio and video[43]—new games such as Myst included many more assets for a richer game experience.

Many companies sold "multimedia upgrade kits" that bundled CD drives, sound cards, and software during the mid-1990s, but device drivers for the new peripherals further depleted scarce RAM.[45] By 1993, PC games required much more memory than other software, often consuming all of conventional memory, while device drivers could go into upper memory with DOS memory managers. Players found modifying CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files for memory management cumbersome and confusing, and each game needed a different configuration. (The game Les Manley 2 satirizes this by depicting two beautiful women exhaust the hero in bed, by requesting that he again explain the difference between extended and expanded memory.) Computer Gaming World provided technical assistance to its writers to help install games for review,[46] and published sample configuration files.[47] The magazine advised non-technical gamers to purchase commercial memory managers like QEMM and 386MAX[45] and criticized nonstandard software like Origin Systems's "infamous late and unlamented Voodoo Memory Manager",[48] which used unreal mode.


Monday, June 17, 2019

Psychological effects Game

The effects that the habitual use of video games may have on people, and especially on children, have been the subject of interest and controversy .
Among the positive effects attributed to them are abilities such as: "hand-eye coordination, logical capacity, spatial ability, problem solving, strategy development, concentration, attention, collaboration, cooperation and selection of relevant information, auditory stimulation, among others ». 7 According to one study, the child develops mental abilities and his reasoning ability is more active compared to a child 20 years ago who did not have this technology. In adults they can function as a stress reliever, contributing to good health. 8 Others claim that they improve visual health 9 and even certain skills such as those necessary for the practice of surgery. 10It should also be noted that the effects vary according to the type of game. 7 A professor at the University of Nottingham has also stated that they can have the effect of attenuating pain. 11 According to a study, short-term exposure has a positive effect on the care of children without psychiatric problems, they obtained a better score in the Stroop test after being exposed for one hour to a video game they played for the first time . 12

Regarding the negative aspects of video games, it is worth noting factors such as addiction. The easy access to computers, smartphones and consoles, added to a lack of control by parents or the environment of a dysfunctional home, can lead to children or teenagers making an abusive use of video games. This has negative effects such as being more prone to aggression, lack of assertiveness and low academic performance. 13

Another controversial aspect of video games in children is that they can curb some aspects of their motor development, and lead to a lack of socialization, 14 although the latter is refuted by other studies that point to the opposite, that video games increase his sociability 15 16 "Video games are an entertainment that is well suited to the reality of the child born in the computer age since they involve socialization in the culture of simulation that characterizes contemporary advanced societies" (Turkle 1997). 17

In one study, mental health is associated with playing videogames. It was found that players who played moderately had the best mental health, those who played excessively had a slight increase in problem behaviors and those who did not play video games had the worst mental health

Video game industry

Born with the appearance of the first coin-operated recreation machine in 1971, the video game industry has gone from being a mere technological curiosity to become one of the largest entertainment industries by volume of turnover in a few decades . It is estimated at 81.5 billion dollars in 2014 worldwide, doubling that of the film industry in the same year. Revenues come mainly from the sale of video games, video game consoles, accessories and recreational machines. The main countries in videogame revenues are the US, China and Japan, followed by Germany and the United Kingdom. Spain is in the tenth position, annually invoicing about 1,500 million dollars. 3

The video game industry employs more than 100,000 people around the world, people from many disciplines including programming, design, engineering, interpretation, finance, marketing, music, communication or trade. The value chain in the video game industry can be divided into 6 parts: investors, video game developers, creators of software used by developers, hardware manufacturers, video game distributors, and consumers.

The costs of developing a commercial video game vary enormously from the few thousand dollars that can represent a small title, developed by a single person, to more than 100 million dollars of some AAA video games, involving teams of up to hundred workers. The game with the highest development cost to date is Grand Theft Auto V , from the developer Rockstar Games, with 167 million dollars, followed by Destiny , from Bungie, with 154 million dollars. The figures are still considerably higher if investment in marketing is added.

The fairs video gamesthey constitute one of the main showcases where the industry presents its most recent creations every year. The best known worldwide are the E3 in Los Angeles (USA), the Gamescom in Cologne (Germany) and the Tokyo Games Show (Japan). In France the most important fair is the Paris Games Week and in Spain the Madrid Games Week, GameLab and GameFest stand out. In Chile, the Festigame stands out, being the most important in Latin America. Consumers are informed of the news of the sector mainly through specialized media. Among those belonging to the Hispanic field, we can highlight paper magazines such as Micromanía, New Superjuegos or Hobbyconsolas, and online magazines such as Meristation, Vandal, Eurogamer, Gamercafe, LagZero or Niubie. There are also numerous blogs and YouTube channels focused on this topic. However, its presence on television or radio is less.

Videogames have traditionally been sold in department stores or specialized physical stores; In Spain, the two main video game store chains are Game and, until its closure in 2014, Gamestop. In Chile, the largest are Zmart, MicroPlay and TodoJuegos. However, the trend in recent years around the world is towards the sale by downloading internet , both in PC and in consoles. In mobile devices, the sale through the internet - through the application stores - is in fact the only channel available.

The main industry associations in Spain are AEVI (Spanish Association of Video Games), which includes companies that invoice 90% of the total revenues of the sector, and DEV (Spanish Development of Video Games), which brings together the main developers of the country. In Chile there is the VGChile group, where the Chilean developers are grouped.

Video Game

A video game is an electronic game in which one or more people interact, by means of a controller , with a device that displays video images . 1 This electronic device, generically known as « platform », can be a computer , an arcade machine , a video game console or a portable device, such as a mobile phone . Video games are, year by year, one of the main industries of art and entertainment.

The input device used to manipulate a video game is known as a video game controller , or command, and varies depending on the platform. For example, a controller may only consist of a button and a joystick or joystick , while another might present a dozen buttons and one or more levers ( control ). The first computer games used to use a keyboard to carry out the interaction , or they required the user to acquire a joystick with at least one button. 2 Many modern computer games allow or require the user to use a keyboard and a mousesimultaneously. Among the most typical drivers are gamepads , joysticks , keyboards, mice and touch screens.

Generally, videogames use other ways, apart from the image, to provide interactivity and information to the player. Audio is almost universal, using sound reproduction devices , such as speakers and headphones . Another type of feedback is through haptic peripherals that produce vibration or force feedback , sometimes using vibration to simulate force feedback.
The origins of the game go back to the 1950s, when shortly after the appearance of the first electronic computers after the end of the Second World War, the first attempts were made to implement entertainment programs. Thus, the Nim (1951) or the Oxo (1952) were created, electronic games that are not really video games yet, and the Tennis for Two (1958) or the Spacewar! (1962), authentic pioneers of the genre. All of them were still prototypes, very simple and experimental games that were not commercialized, among other things, because they worked on machines that were only available in universities or research institutes.
It would not be until the decade of the 70s that, with the decline in manufacturing costs, the first machines and the first video games appeared for the general public. Titles like Computer Space (1971) or Pong (1972), by Atari , inaugurated the first recreational machines built for that purpose, which worked with coins. Shortly after the videogames came to homes thanks to the domestic consoles, the first of which was the Magnavox Odyssey (1972), and later the successful Atari 2600 or VCS (1977), with its system of interchangeable cartridges. At that time the arcade machinesthey began to become common in bars and recreational halls, an expansion due in part to a matamarcianos that reached great popularity, the Space Invaders
In the 80s, the American company Atari had to share its domain in the video game industry with two companies from Japan: Nintendo (with its famous NES console ) and SEGA (with the Master System ). At the same time, there was a generation of affordable personal computers with graphic capabilities that reached the homes of millions of families, such as the Spectrum, the Amstrad CPC, the Commodore 64 or the MSX . From then on, videogames started to become a powerful industry . It was also a very creative time for videogame developers; many of the mainGenres that exist today (driving, fighting, platforms, strategy, adventure ...) took shape in this decade. On the other hand, also appeared the first pocket consoles , also known as "little machines", that although until the arrival of the Game Boy of Nintendo (1989) only played one game each, they achieved great popularity among the youngest.

The 90s bring the jump to 16-bit technology (such as the SNES and the Mega Drive ), which means important graphic improvements. Enter the giant Sony with its first PlayStation (1994), while Nintendo and Sega update their machines ( Nintendo 64 and Sega Saturn ). As for computers, the progress of PCs ends up sweeping the map away from other systems except Apple. More and more technologically advanced games appear, such as 3D shooters. In 2002, Microsoft enters the video console sector with its Xbox, and in 2006 Nintendo launches its innovative Wii . Meanwhile, Sony updates its successful PlayStation (versions II and III), and on PCs , thanks to the expansion of the internet, online and multiplayer games take center stage.

Finally, in the decade of 2010, portable touch devices, such as smartphones and tablets , emerged as game platforms , reaching a very large audience. On the other hand, several technology companies are beginning to develop virtual reality headsets , which promise to bring new experiences to the world of electronic entertainment.